Isnin, 6 September 2010


Girls Myspace Comments
ASSALAMUALAIKUM.. Selamat tengahari sume :)

Senyum2 jep even x de mood skang neh. Kowang sume canne.. hepi x ari neh? Tapi semalam memang ari yang hepi n memenatkan.. iftaar ngan classmate then pecut g Perak then kul 5 am tadi dah da kat Sunway balik.. fuhh!! T aku wat entry len eh.
Skang nak settle tag dulu dari adik aku AFIQ.. tengs la dik coz rajen amat men'tag' akak neh (iklas ke x bagi tag neh?). Jum mula!!

1) if u've been tagged, u must write ur answers in ur own blog & replace any question that u dislike with a new, original question.
2) tag 8 people
don't refuse to do that. don't tag who tagged u!!

1) who sleeps in bed next to u?
- if kat kg, my adeq.. if kat sini lak my Mr.Bean Bear

2) what are u doing now?
- duk depan lappy menyudahkan tag neh sambil tahan mata

3) what kind of kueh raya did u make? (killer question neh)
- dolu2 penah la wat semprit.. (1st n last setakat neh)

4) best day of the week?
- meeting my bff like yesterday n meeting encik bf ;p

5) what really creepy?
- katak!!

6) what's ur current fandom/obsession/addiction?
- blogging kot + sotong goreng tepung

7) what are the colour of ur baju raye?
- main is oren n another 1 is hitam itu menawan

8) what did u eat for breakfast today?
- kire sahur la kan?? plain water jep

9) what is ur aim for this raye?
- nak g umah membe2 yang wat open house (dah berlambak invite kat FB) + nak spend more time ngan famili.. mish them lot!!

10) what was the last thing u bought?
- x ingat coz dah lame x shopping tapi cam novel kot.. hoho

11) what was the coolest thing u have seen recently?
- Jude Law (termasuk ke?? hentam je la eh sebab dia memang cool kot)

12) does the cool thing above affect ur mood?
- x sangat kot juz time tengok dia ati cam bunge2

13) what is ur zodiac sign?
- capricorn :)

14) do u want to learn other skills?
- of course la

15) where are u now?
- office kot.. nak balik!!!!

16) if u could meet anyone now, who would u meet?
- my mama la.. baru pas mama call, ske2 dengar sore mama hepi even dia duk cakap duit manyakk abes!

17) what's something u'd like to say to someone right now?
- mish u

18) what are u looking forward to?
- keje keje keje n my own business la

19) say something to person who tagged u?
- tq la dik, ponat den nak mikir jawapannya.. huhu. Btw selamat ari raye, maaf zahir batin.. t jangan lupe sediakan duet raye tuk akak oke.

20) tagged 8 people


p/s: ngantok!! mo balik skang gak


3 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

cik paro di tag??
dah lama tak kena tag...

Unknown berkata...

percayelah cik paro.. sile settle kan ea.. tq

FyZa berkata...

huhu rajinnya kamu dear wat tag..;)